We provide supported housing for people with mental health and/or mild learning disabilities. If this applies to you and you need somewhere to live, we might be able to house you. Supported housing means that we want you to live as independently as possible, but still have access to support when you need it.
What we do to help
If you become a Phoenix resident, we will work with you to find out more about the support you need. This can be anything from making sure you receive the correct benefits, to supporting you when you go through a challenging episode with your mental health. Your dedicated keyworker will visit you regularly to make sure any issues are resolved quickly.
Can we help you?
​If you would like to find out more about our service to see if it is suitable for your needs, please get in touch. We also accept referrals from GPs and other charitable/health-related organisations. To request more information or a referral form, please telephone or email us on the details provided on our Contacts page.